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About ARTA

ARTA is a professional, not-for-profit membership organization. Membership is open to anyone who participates in the Arkansas Teacher Retirement System or who supports the mission of ARTA.


Our mission is to advocate for the personal, professional, social and economic interests of Arkansas's public-education retirees.


​ARTA is non-partisan. We do not endorse political candidates nor lobby elected officials.
We do provide them with information to guide their decisions, as we do for our members.
We also review proposed legislation and call for appropriate action when that legislation affects retirees.


ARTA is governed by a volunteer board of directors. They employ an executive director who carries out board directives and employs the staff needed to manage the day-to-day operations of the association.


ARTA is divided into eight membership areas. Area leadership councils serve as the liaison between the ARTA leadership and staff and the local units in their area.


ARTA encourages the establishment of at least one local unit in each county. Local units are given some guidelines from the state office regarding their structure and function, but are otherwise autonomous in their operation.


Annual Convention
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ARTA hosts an annual convention each year. All members are invited to participate in the event, which includes a business session, educational sessions and speakers, awards and more.

ARTA Grants Program

ARTA currently awards grants for Arkansas public school employees in two categories.



Area Leadership Conferences
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Area councils conduct an annual conference to elect officers and to share current information between local members and the state leadership and staff.


ARTA is an affiliate of NRTA - AARP's Educator Community. Members of AARP can join NRTA at no additional cost.

ARTA Board of Directors

  •   Elected Officers

  •   Board Members

  •   Area Directors

  •   ATRS Trustees


ARTA Directory

  •   Local Units


Standing State Committees

ARTA Areas 1-8

Find Us:

1200 Commerce Street

Little Rock, AR 72202

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