
ARTA was established in 1939-40 to advocate for a stable, secure retirement system for public education retirees. Today, we serve more than 12,000 members with:
Representation at meetings where retirement and health insurance benefits* are determined;
Leadership, service, educational and social opportunities;
Informative materials on topics and issues of interest;
Recognition and support for member involvement at the local community level;
Partnership with other community organizations on issues of mutual interest;
Cost-effective membership in a professional organization;
Custom travel opportunities at affordable price points;
Consultations with sponsored insurance providers with group discounts on select products;
Empowerment of members to advocate for their own personal, professional, social and economic interests.
Membership is open to anyone who is interested in the benefits of ARTA.
Travel Opportunities

Members and their guests are invited to participate in safe, affordable trips custom designed for ARTA.
Insurance Products

ARTA members are encouraged to contact our sponsored providers for their long term care and supplemental Medicare product needs. ARTA group rates for cancer/heart/ stroke coverage and dental & vision insurance are also available through these providers.
INTERLINK Newsletter
The INTERLINK newsletter is mailed quarterly to all members with a paid membership.
* Joint Legislative Committee on Public Retirement and Social Security Programs and Employee Benefits Division (School Employees Health Insurance Program)

Making the most of your membership
Life Continuing members are those individuals who have paid for a lifetime membership to ARTA and elected to have $2 deducted from their monthly benefit check.
Continuing Plus members are those individuals who have elected to have dues plus an additional amount deducted from their monthly benefit check.
These additional contributions are used to help fund the ARTA Grants Program.
For additional information or instructions on becoming a Life Continuing or Continuing Plus member of ARTA, contact the ARTA office.